narF l’historien :: exercice d’anglais

Dans mon cours d’anglais oral, il fallait raconter une histoire qui respecte la forme normale d’une histoire : intro, dev, climax, conclu, épilogue.

Je me suis promis (mentalement du moins, comme ça c’est moins gênant si je ne respecte pas ma promesse) d’écrire dans mon blogue tout les jours pour compenser l’absence d’update sur le SnW. Alors aujourd’hui, je vais juste copier/coller l’histoire que j’ai écrit et aller me coucher. Hehe.

À noter que l’histoire a été écrite pour les besoins de la composition sauf que l’exercice final, c’est de l’enregistrer à l’ordi. Parce que c’est uniquement les enregistrements qui sont évalués. Ça a l’avantage de permettre de faire plein de fautes!

You know, living with Mébanitt, that’s the name of the little imp in my head, well, it’s not always big fun everyday. Like that time about a year ago.

That week, Mister Mébanitt had decided that he wanted to became filthy rich by exploiting little kids in africa in lands of coffee and then selling this cheap coffee for a big price by telling customers it was equitable coffee. Of course, because of all this available coffee, he just stated to use it for everything. Like taking bath in it.

But I had an important math exam the day after. And of course, with all this coffee in my head, I couldn’t sleep. So I just called the SPA to take care of this. They came to capture and calm down my crazy imp but they found to their astonishment an illegal coffee company. To make a long story short, there was hostage capture (that was me), a shooting and everything. All this of course completly destroyed my brain. Fortunatly, Henriette, the death angel, saved me and everything came back to normal.

You know, there an interesting morale to this story and it goes like this : if you want to start an illegal business, just don’t do it a day before an important exam of else you will fail your course.

C’est hot hein?




2 réponses à “narF l’historien :: exercice d’anglais”

  1. Avatar de Jay

    tu devrais dire leprechaun a la place d’imp, un imp c’est un espece de goblin de merde!!!

  2. Avatar de narF

    ouais mais

    mais on s’en fout!

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